Whether obtained by rooting around the grass, opening a chest stashed randomly in the wilderness, or good old fashioned salesmanship, you’re going to need Rupees if you want to buy supplies! What follows are rules and suggestions for changing out gold for rupees in the Ryuutama rules.


Starting out

During character creation, you get 500 rupees to spend on your initial equipment and supplies. Of course, your mastered weapons are still free!

You also get one set of standard clothing for free. That is, a set with no modifiers!

Check the Compendium for rupee prices for items in the book. The prices are not a strict 1:2 ratio, but rather reflect the usefulness and rarity of items in the Zelda universe.



If a class (such as Artisan) mentions gold, change the reference to Rupees– that’s it! If you’re using a custom class that mentions a specific value of gold,  halve the value or work with your GM on a number of rupees that seems reasonable in comparison. 

Tale of the Traveler’s Journal

This benediction, available to Green Ryuujin or Guides of Wisdom, confers bonus gold (pg. 138). Instead of Level x 300 gold, those PCs will get Level x 100 Rupees.



Gaining Rupees

Travelers may gain rupees in a number of ways. For instance, some groups may enjoy selling and crafting goods or other items, while others want to explore the wilderness and find random stashes along the way.

It is up to the GM to determine how they want to provide rupees to the party, but consider adjusting this if your players aren’t having fun or don’t seem to be able to afford level appropriate equipment or modifiers.

Rupee Reward Chart

Pg. 155 has a chart with suggested gold rewards per scenario, for a party of four. Use this chart as a suggestion for how many new rupees each player should get per scenario. Consider what kind of items and services you’d like your players to be able to afford at any stage of their journey.

PC Level

Rupees per person

1 200-400
2-4 400-1200
5-7 1200-3000
8+ 3000+